Belonging to a country enriched with values set by great human beings like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekanand and others, a country full of Traditions and culture, a country built on human values and ethics, and we being a proud part of this country, consider it our prime duty to help maintain this heritage of value, culture, ethics and humanity by ways of our social commitment.Charity begins at home believing in this proverb we share a section of our income with many social institutions like the orphanages old homes & blind schools in the country, the blessings that we all receive from their hearts are stupendously & unexplainable these small miracles makes our lives worth living and encourages us to strengthen our business by hard work, commitment, providing quality products and build customer relations worldwide.A small part of the profit that we earn from you is utilized for various social causes, initiatives and events for our human friends and our environment. With this practice we make an attempt to preserve our culture, human values and an attempt to make this world greener and a better place to live in. Thus in a way you will also be a part of this noble cause or a duty that we share as being a responsible citizen of this world.